Helpful Resources for Sustainability

Printables to help with your own Plastic Free Living:

Pantry Essentials:

Thrive Life*Quality freeze dried foods. Great for quick and easy meals and food storage. Food comes in metal cans which helps cut down on plastic.What’s on sale this month?
January Sales Flier
Azure Standard*Alternative food distribution system specializing in bulk, organic/natural foods.See my flour article to learn more about Azure

Book Recommendations:*Enjoy the convenience of shopping online while supporting local bookstores by shopping on bookshop.orgHere’s the list of books I’ve reviewed so far.
Replacing TV DinnersRecipe books that can help with the 3 strategies to replace TV dinners.Replacing TV dinners book list*

Home Essentials:

Coming Soon!


ThredUpOnline clothing consignment store. They have a large selection of good quality 2nd-hand items.

More Information and Resources:

  • Eco-Friendly Challenges
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