Sustainable Pursuits

Join me on my journey to create better habits for a better life and planet.

What We’re About

Our goal is to reduce waste and plastic dependency by developing new habits and skills. Every month for the next year, I will be doing an eco-friendly challenge with a focus on reducing single-use plastics and seeing what it takes to maintain those changes. By sharing this journey I hope to provide tips and encouragement for your own eco-friendly changes.

Plastic-Free Challenge

Learn more about each month’s eco-friendly challenge. Every month starts with a game plan and ends with an evaluation.


From grocery store to home, a lot of single-use plastics are used in food packaging. Here are some recipes and helpful tips to help meet the monthly challenges.


Crafting projects are a great way to reduce waste and build more sustainable skills. Many of the crafts here will focus on supporting an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Latest Articles

  • Going plastic-free? Here are some of the next steps

    Going plastic-free? Here are some of the next steps

    Previously, we talked about the beginning steps on how to live plastic-free. For a lot of people who are going plastic-free, these beginning steps tend to be product swaps and reusable items. By that I mean swapping out products for their plastic-free alternatives and using reusable items like water bottles…

  • How To Live Plastic-Free: Where To Begin?

    How To Live Plastic-Free: Where To Begin?

    My personal plastic-free journey First, I’ll start with how I personally became interested in the plastic-free journey. To be honest, I didn’t start with any real eco friendly goals in mind or even by contemplating how to live plastic-free. It began from learning about alternatives to single-use plastics. At the…

  • Reflecting on the Plastic-Free Challenges We Tried Last Year

    Reflecting on the Plastic-Free Challenges We Tried Last Year

    August of this year was when we officially started doing the monthly plastic-free challenges. We are now entering the 6th month of challenges and I thought this would be a good time to reflect on what we’ve learned so far, and how to move forward with our plastic-free goals. The…

Flowering Crabtree

Check out Sustainable Pursuits YouTube channel for some relaxing nature scenes.

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