Tag: Better habits
Going plastic-free? Here are some of the next steps
Previously, we talked about the beginning steps on how to live plastic-free. For a lot of people who are going plastic-free, these beginning steps tend to be product swaps and reusable items. By that I mean swapping out products for their plastic-free alternatives and using reusable items like water bottles…
How To Live Plastic-Free: Where To Begin?
My personal plastic-free journey First, I’ll start with how I personally became interested in the plastic-free journey. To be honest, I didn’t start with any real eco friendly goals in mind or even by contemplating how to live plastic-free. It began from learning about alternatives to single-use plastics. At the…
Reflecting on the Plastic-Free Challenges We Tried Last Year
August of this year was when we officially started doing the monthly plastic-free challenges. We are now entering the 6th month of challenges and I thought this would be a good time to reflect on what we’ve learned so far, and how to move forward with our plastic-free goals. The…
Easy Eco Friendly Gift Wrap Options to Try for the Holidays
This holiday season I’m trying to be more sustainable by figuring out eco friendly gift wrap and present options. The previous weeks, we took a look at some reduced and/or plastic-free options for presents. Strategy #1, was to shop local and how buying things locally can be more earth friendly.…
Resource Recommendations for Replacing TV dinners Challenge
This month, we’ve been focusing on replacing TV dinners as a way to cut down on single-use plastics. The 3 strategies to help achieve that goal are: homemade freezer meals, ‘meals in a jar’, and 15 minute meals. I’ve mentioned several resources to help support these strategies throughout various posts.…
This Month’s Challenge: How to Replace TV Dinners
This month’s goal is to find sustainable ways to cut out plastic from TV dinners/microwave meals. I’ll be honest, I really do rely on microwave meals more than I’d like to admit. Even though I knowย this is the worst way to use plasticย since plastic compounds are more likely to leach…
To Begin Better Habits You Need Good Tracking
With creating better habits or goal setting, it can be difficult to know if you’re making any progress. Sometimes that’s because we aren’t as consistent about things as we think we are. Sometimes it’s just a matter of how we perceive success, or maybe the goal wasn’t reasonable to begin…
Conclusion To This Month’s Plastic-Free Bread Challenge
This month’s plastic-free bread challenge didn’t goย quiteย as I thought it would. Reflecting on the month, it was the gluten-free element that really made things difficult. Things would have gone much smoother and there would be more plastic-free options if I could eat regular flour. I say that because this month…