This Month’s Challenge – Getting Rid of Plastics In The Bathroom

I’m on my 8th month of trying different plastic-free challenges. This month I thought I’d take a little break from focusing on food items. It’s time to turn my attention to getting rid of plastics in the bathroom.

Unlike going plastic-free in the kitchen, going plastic-free in the bathroom can be a lot more manageable. At least it has been from my experience. Because in the kitchen you’re having to find and make replacements almost on a daily basis to get rid of all the food plastics. Whereas with the bathroom, there are more options to replace plastic items. Also, you don’t go through bathroom products as quickly as food products. Which makes it much easier to maintain these plastic-free habits in the bathroom.

The bathroom is a great place to start

Back in January, I covered the topic of product swaps as the starting point for most people in their plastic-free journey. Or, if not completely plastic-free, at least a lifestyle that is less dependent on single-use plastics. Just getting rid of single-use plastics is no easy endeavor, I’m still in the process myself.

Getting rid of plastics in the bathroom – starting with swaps

You can swap out products for single-use plastics gradually or all at once. (Here’s my article on swapping out products gradually). How you choose to get rid of plastics will really depend on your budget, what’s available in your area, and your creativity.

Here’s a list of everything in the bathroom (including personal care) that I’ve either found locally or online to swap out with a plastic-free/reduced-plastic alternative:

  • Hygiene
    • Handsoap
    • Body wash
    • Shampoo
    • Conditioner
    • Toothpaste
    • Toothbrush
    • Mouthwash
    • Loofah
    • Deodorant
    • Feminine pads
  • Beauty care
    • Body lotion
    • Face lotion
    • Sunscreen
    • Facial cleanser
    • Shaving razor
    • Shaving soap/cream
    • Body scrubs
  • Cleaning
    • Toilet cleaner
    • bathroom cleaning spray
    • Cloth shower curtain liner

Where did I get these alternatives?

I can get these alternatives and refills at the bulk food store, zero waste store, or online. Farmers markets are also a good place to find personal care items like soaps and lotions. There are even options to make many of these items yourself like the soap, lotions, cleaning solutions, etc.

If you’re going to be making bathroom products and personal care items yourself, I highly recommend getting a book like Give a Sh*t* by Ashlee Piper and/or The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy* by Valerie Ann Worwood. The Aromatherapy book covers the topic of natural beauty products in a lot of detail along with recipes. While Give A Sh*t has checklists and more generalized recipes for home care and personal care items.

How I’m getting rid of plastics in the bathroom

Many of the bathroom products I need to find plastic-free alternatives for are in the skin care category. I found an easy way to make reusable face masks so I’m looking forward to trying out different mask recipes. I also want to start using toner, so I’m going to try some recipes for that as well.

Otherwise, I’ve already swapped out a lot of the single-use plastics in my bathroom. Over the last few years I’ve swapped out one item every month, again please see my previous article if you would like to know more. Now I just have to remember to take my bottles in to get them refilled at the store. Note: make sure your containers are clearly labeled!

getting rid of plastics by using refillable containers
refillable containers I got at the thrift store

Crafts for getting rid of plastics in the bathroom

No more plastic loofahs! Wash cloths are one of the best, most useful things to make if you are looking for a simple knit or crochet project. I’ve really been enjoying making my own washcloths. I love all the colors I can use!

But I wanted to try something a little different this month, so I’ve been making soap saver sacks. I’ll keep you updated on how well they work.

What to look forward to this month

The plan for this month’s goal of getting rid of plastics in the bathroom are to find swaps, or make swaps.

My recipes are going to primarily focus on beauty care. I’m still thinking about the local highlight, but I’m leaning towards focusing on the different types of swaps. This months craft will be washcloths and soap savers.

I include links for the products I mention and personally use throughout this website. These links are indicated with a (*). Many of these product links are affiliate/referral links where Sustainable Pursuits llc may receive a small compensation for recommendations made in reference to the products or services on this website. This helps to support Sustainable Pursuits llc and my ability to share these experiences with you.


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